kishore m

Flutter Developer | DSA and ML Enthusiast | 3 🌟 LeetCoder

Kishore M

A student of Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering with an aspiring mind and a will to code . I am an exploratory guy , who likes to draft a tech solution to a problematic scenario . Being a Flutter App Developer and an ML Enthusiast , I am very much interested in handling new tools and frameworks in an effective way . As a competitive programmer , I am working on LeetCode , GeeksforGeeks and HackerRank , to enhance my skills to crack interviews .
Happy learning 😊

  • No.67A, Jagir Hussain Street, M G R Nagar, Chennai - 78.
  • +91 6379659221

My Professional Skills

A Flutter App Developer , ML Enthusiast , Competitive Programmer and an Effective Leader. I can handle Data Structures and Algorithms in an effective way , which makes me a good developer to switch any programming languages , as per client's demands.I can contribute my skills for the growth strategies of the company I am working for.

Flutter App Development 70%
Machine Learning 70%
Data Structures and Algorithms 75%
C 90%
C ++ 80%
Python 60%
Java 50%

Flutter App Development

Having experience in Flutter , I have builds apps , which involves Cloud FireStore , Data Structures and JSON Parsing .

Machine Learning

Having experience in building top Machine Learning Algorithms , I have deployed more models and gave accurate predition for many cases.

Communication Skills

Having a good communication skill , I will be able to present myself well , and know how to manage a crowd .

Uniform Pro

“Uniform Pro” is an application , which enables karate teachers to update uniform details and to keep track of their delivery . This app involves the effective usage of Cloud Firestore and Flutter UI .This app is a product dedicated to "Arakawa Stanly Kinetics Factory"

SVCE Mobile

"SVCE Mobile" is a Flutter Application , which allows users to get notified with the regular college activities , take online notes , ERP Login and to provide location and map , admission enquiry services for non - SVCE users .

API Products Shopping

"API Products Shopping" is a Flutter application UI which displays a prototype of a Shopping App,containing Products Section,Cart Section,User Account Section and Similar Products section.


"TipCalculator" is a Flutter app ,which is used to calculate the amount to be paid by each person in a hotel bill.


"Freedom50" is a Flutter Quiz Application , which provides interactive questions , based on our country's freedom.


"DietMaster" is an application , which suggests diet plans based on the user's BMI level and blood glucose level.


“NoteMaker” is an application , which enables the user to save all the notes , enables frontend and backend applications . I have applied Firebase and Cloud Firestore concepts to utilise all the backend processes .

FarmConnect App

"FarmConnect" is a Flutter application UI which performs the purpose of connecting the Local Farmers to the nearby Vegetable Vendors.

Podo App

"Podo App" is an application , which is built by parsing JSON package into Flutter App. It is a simple app which displays the posts of a JSON Package.

Ninja ID Card

"Ninja ID Card" is a flutter ID Card, which provides the details of the student with name, mail id and flutter level

Dominant Color Extraction

"Dominant Color Extraction" is a ML project , which is used to filter out the non-dominant colors of the image , using K-Means Clustering Algorithm.

Invisible Cloak

"Invisible Cloak" is an ML project , which scans the background for a given time and then merge the given color in order to make it invisible.

WebCam Filter

"WebCam Filter" is a basic prototype of how SnapChat filters work . The project involves OpenCV , Numpy libraries for the detection of face and then providing a sunglass and a moustache , once the face is detected.

Diabetes Classification

"Diabetes Classification" is a ML model , which employs K-Nearest-Neighbors Algorithm to predict diabetes in patients , based on training a pre-defined dataset.

Face Detection and Recognition

"Face Recognition and Detection" is an ML project , which involves OpenCV and K-Nearest-Neighbors Algorithm , which scans the user's face , and recognizing the user based on the obtained NumPy array values.

Digit Recognition

"Digit Recognition" is an ML model , which predicts the given digits based on a pre-defined data using K-Nearest-Neighbors Algorithm.

Smart Watch

"Smart Watch" is a ML Model , which is used to predict the performance of programming students , with respect to their study time , using Gradient Descent Algorithm and Linear Regression.

Air Pollution Prediction

"Air Pollution Prediction" is an ML model which employs Linear Regression ,inorder to predict the causes of pollution , by training the dataset and analysing by Linear Regression.

Chemical Segregation

"Chemical Segregation" is an ML model , which involves the extraction of chemical features , by employing Logistic Regression and to classify based on the predicted output .

Smart Dustbin

" Smart Dustbin " is an embedded-system based project ,which automates our garbage bin using Arduino UNO.

My Personal Portfolio

You are all watching the portfolio blog that is created by myself . It is done by editing an HTML file to an awesome template.

Account SignUp Prototype

I have created an Account Signup Prototype using C programming . The program mainly involves the effective usage of " goto and label " statements and string manipulation .

COVID Sensor

I have submitted an idea of a project ,named " COVID Sensor " , which is a device , to detect social distancing in public places.

Child Rescue is Easy From Borewell

I have submitted a prototype of the project ,named " Child Rescue is Easy From Borewell " , which is a device to prevent the death of small children , when accidentally stuck inside a borewell .

Joint Secretary - ECEA SVCE

Sept 2020 - June 2021

I am working as Joint Secretary of ECE Association and I am working for the welfare of my department .

Campus Ambassador - Coding Club India

Oct 2020 - Jan 2021

I have worked as a Campus Ambassador of Coding Club India , effectively discharging the duties and now working as a Campus Lead for the betterment of the company.

Campus Ambassador Lead - Coding Club India

Feb 2021 - Apr 2021

I have been promoted as a Campus Ambassador Lead , and now I am actively contributing for the betterment of Coding Club India

Completed Projects
Licenses and Credentials
Awards and Achievements
Volunteer Experience


    Inspired from Jessica Lim .

    Recently , I took a seminar regarding binary search algorithm to my friends as a seminar. I was very surprised that I saw an article which I encountered recently .I am now sharing my thoughts as a visualization of programming from a different perspective .

    Usually people be in a stressed state ,when they are gonna learn a new concept in programming .But you can have a chance  to stand upon when you prove your students that is not so tough .Let us find out ,what may be the strategies.

    #TIP - 1:  Communicate The Problem As It Has Nothing To Do With Programming 

    Teaching basic algorithms can be one of the most challenging parts of introducing someone to Computer Science. Between the hypothetical problems and abstract thinking, it can feel overwhelming.

    But it doesn't have to be.

    The real fact is that , we have to make the students believe that this algorithm has some real - life application .Yes ,it has .Then ,how to prove them .Just illustrate every variable in terms of a name ,for an instance ,give some fancy names like pointing variables and a finder variable and also like finding a random guy from a school assembly where everyone stands as per a proper height order .

    This can drastically increase the understanding capability of people who are not technically sound enough.

    #TIP - 2 : Take Advantage of Common Knowledge and Use Puzzles 

    “Imagine a list of strictly increasing integer values…” and blah blah blah blah blah. Information overload. Ya same. Here is my advice: Don’t explain. Let common sense do the work for you.

    Take some puzzle .I have given my friends a set of odd numbers from 1 to 20 .I just asked them to search for 5 in this by looking with their own eyes .They found it very easily .LOL. But ,I again asked for the presence of 5  in  that list .

    Then ,I stepped on to the problem ,so  that whatever I tell is an extension of finding the presence of number 5. 

    So ,this made them to be more interactive and able to understand a good algorithm.

    #TIP - 3 : Avoid Over - Technical Jargon 

    Remember, you’re trying to teach someone a concept, not show off your expertise or teach them technical terms.

    Rule of thumb, if you’re using jargon, it’s too technical.

     Make your friends believe that is nothing too technical .Illustrate the problem like a story by a character is jumping here and there inorder  to get to the destination . 

    This enables the proper interaction between you and your fellow-mates which doesn't lead to a one-way traffic.

    #TIP - 4 : Put Yourself In The Shoes 


    Since this is new to your fellow - mates ,they may feel weird of your approach of what he is telling . Sometimes ,they get sleepy too .But you have to take the responsibility of effectively delivering the content and make this method to stay in their memory to stay for a longer time .

     For Once ,Don't Think Like A Programmer 

    You'll be shocked by how many people can solve an algorithm when they think it has nothing to do with programming.

    Have fun. And you never know, maybe you’ll end up showing someone that coding isn’t as daunting.

                                                     Thank you


    Completed the prototype of "FARMCONNECT' App which can act as a good interface between farmers and the vendors.

    Credits to team "GeekyApplets".

    #coding   #flutterapp   #ietehackathon



    Work hard until your idols become your rivals.

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    TEACHING BINARY SEARCH TO SOMEONE WHO HAVE NO TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE   Inspired from Jessica Lim . Recently , I took a seminar regarding binary...


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